Wednesday, February 20, 2008


This may not be the most relevant as far as current events right now, but it's without a doubt the coolest. The use of pyrotechnics is an old tradition, and a very popular one, too. Changes are possible in the field, though. You may not hear about tons of people being killed by fireworks every year, but it's enough of an issue that some states ban them from private users. In addition, injuries can occur as a result of unsafe firework displays. Now this isn't the cool part. The good part is the art of pyrotechnics itself. Think about it: there are so many amazing and unique firework shows. For example, they have great fireworks at magic kingdom-but is it really magic? If not, how is it all possible? Through the magical powers of chemistry!!! That is the answer, and that's what I want to find out more about. Can't wait!

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