Tuesday, December 18, 2007

1st assignment

So far this year, I have enjoyed our honors chemistry class. In particular, I like the variety of talented students who make our class more interesting and focused. We all have something to contribute, and are eager to learn more. This type of environment is more productive than the larger groups of students we have in some other subjects. Though we lack the diversity present in bigger groups, each individual's willingness to add to class discussions makes it a more interesting and thoughtful class. I believe that we can learn a lot from eachother in both discussions and debates about different chem topics. Thanks to the unique relaxed and respecful environment of chem class, we can all participate without fear of being shot down. In this way, everyone is heard and we all learn a little more from eachother than we could on our own. I have been enjoying chem, and I hope for continued success as one little part of our amazing united honors chemistry(UHC) class.
Thanks if you read all this!

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