Sunday, January 6, 2008

in the blog-zone

Chemistry is being used "for good" in many areas but in other areas we cannot yet understand its uses. While it can be used for things that may seem pointless, in reality the scientists who invest time and money in these projects do us all a favor. Individual institutions may not have the financial resources to support miscellaneous research if it has no obvious benefits. However, when curious scientists take it upon themselves to devote their energy to fun, interesting studies, you can't be sure what they will find.
Throughout history, many of the most amazing, life-changing discoveries have been discovered by accident (for example, penicillin). When scientists examine various fields of chemistry with specific goals in mind, they could accidentally make a discovery that's extremely beneficial to society. Though many put their efforts into fruitless research, we can't give up hope on these out-of-the-box thinkers altogether because we never know when the next incredible discovery will be made that once again allows chemistry to be used for good.

i posted on ben, kallie, and kate's blogs.